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Шиномонтажный станок G1500.3IT PLUS

Без лопатки для монтажа, c 19″ TFT дисплей и инфлятор, макс. скорость 18 об/мин, легковые автомобили, мощность зажима 10 — 34″, макс. ширина обода 15″ (макс. ширина колеса 380 мм) | для всех шин с максимальным диаметром колеса 54″ (1370 мм)

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Version with patented TOP inflation device

  • 3 Working modes
    • Standard
    • Automatic (like G1200)
    • PC managed
  •  Automatic mode
    • Place the upper roller on the rim edge.
    • Rotate the wheel and place the valve in start position.
    • Press start button and the tyre changer is ready to work in automatic mode (G1200 program).
    • Once the first wheel is done, the start position will be reached fast and automatically to repeat the job again and again.
  • Patented lever-free tool
  • Pneumatically operated beadbreaker discs:
    • Built in scratch-proof material for complete rim protection.
    • The rim edge sensor allows the roller to move forward automatically, enabling it to work on the bead without damaging the tyre’s sidewall.
  • The central rim locking system, suitable also for reverse rims, consists of a central pin with cone. The effort is minimal thanks to the special plate on which the wheel lays. The plate is floating, therefore offering a self-locking mechanism.
  • 3 adjustable working heights
  • Data bank: It is possible to memorize up to 100000 different wheels by:
    • client name
    • plate number
    • any notes
  • Data transfer: It is possible to transfer data among tyre changers — This is particularly useful when working with many tyre changers:
    • at the same location (large tyre shop, vehicle or tyre manufacturing plant)
    • at different locations (tyre shop chain, car dealer group)
  • Customized data and a quick training allow easy demounting of difficult tyres even by inexperienced workers.
  • PC managed operation
    • Fill in the tyre data.
    • The software automatically selects the best program among SOFT / STANDARD / RF/UHP — The user can decide to switch to another program (but the software does not allow programs which are not appropriate to that type of tyre).
    • Place upper and lower rollers at the rim edge and the valve at start position.
    • Press start button and the tyre changer will carry out the programmed job with minimum assistance.
    • At any time a job can be stopped and then continued with no need to start again the entire cycle.
  • Targeted job: The pre-set and dedicated cycle reduces working times
  • When turned on, the tyre changer asks to choose the requested function:
    • demounting/mounting tyres (standard operation)
    • repeated demounting (as removing tyres from rims at car wreckers)
    • repeated mounting (as in car manufacturing plants)
  • User-friendly console:
    • Simplifies the operator’s learning process
    • With buttons for operating the rollers and tools
  • Super fast:
    • Once a wheel is clamped on the plate, demounting and mounting (complete cycle) varies from 55” to 75” including run-flat and UHP.
    • Since 35” is the total time required to lift, lock, unlock and unload the wheel, the total time required for a complete cycle is as low as 90 — 110 sec from floor to floor position.
  • Invemotor: Speed set by the operator, exactly as required — Inverter with governor to protect the tyre.


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